
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Here are the terms and concepts for the last two chapters.

In addition to these terms, the sheet I will give you to have out during the exam will include these terms/concepts from previous exams.

parallel play, associative play, cooperative play
Erikson's Initiative versus Guilt
self concept in early childhood
Functional play, constructive play, make-believe play
Authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting styles
Gender typing
Gender constancy
Secular trends in physical growth
Asthma, including who is more at risk
Rough-and-tumble play
Dominance hierarchy
Fast mapping
Episodic memories
Child-centered preschools
Academic preschools
sensory preferences in the newborn
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and current recommendations for reducing its likelihood
classical conditioning in infants (UCS, UCR, CS, CR)
operant conditioning
deferred imitation
object permanence
cooing, babbling,
word overextension and underextension
temperament: easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up children
social referencing
self-control and compliance
gross and fine motor development
nightmares, sleep terrors and transitional objects
grasping--pincer and ulnar grasp
physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development
Freud's psychosexual theory (id, ego, and superego)
behaviorism:classical and operant conditioning
microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
independent and dependent variables (be able to identify them in anexperiment)
longitudinal design
cross-sectional design
donor insemination
in vitro fertilization
alcohol, smoking-their effect on fetal and child development
first, second, and third stage of labor
Cesarean delivery
Natural, or prepared, childbirth
Reflexes: rooting, Moro, palmar grasp, stepping

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Erikson's Initiative versus Guilt
Empathy and sympathy
Altruism/prosocial behavior
Functional play
Constructive play
Make-believe play
Nonsocial activity
Parallel play
Associative play
Cooperative play
Sociodramatic play
Social problem solving

Moral development

Psychoanalytic perspective--superego and identification with same-sex parent


Social Learning theory
-warmth and responsiveness
-competence and power
-consistency between assertions and behavior

instrumental and hostile aggression
overt and relational aggression
gender typing
gender identity
gender constancy

David Reimer, the boy who was raised as a girl

Styles of Child Rearing

authoritative child-rearing style
authoritarian child-rearing style
permissive child-rearing style
uninvolved child-rearing style

Sex differences in the brain
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Information and Support

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Reaction paper due May 23
Answer the "Apply" question on page 348
Senator Smith heard that IQ and achievement gains resulting from Head Start do not last, so he plans to vote against funding for the program. Write a letter to Senator Smith explaining why he should support Head Start.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

In response to the video, The Secret of the Wild Child, please answer the following questions:
1. If another girl like Genie was discovered today, and researchers were preparing to do a similar study, what advice would you give about how to handle things differently than the "Genie team" did? (Ethical considerations, balancing patient/research subject)
2. In addition to language deprivation, what other types of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional deprivation did Genie experience?
Due May 16

Terms/Concepts for Exam 3

Monday, May 08, 2006

Concepts for Exam 2

Thursday, May 04, 2006

From pages 324-325, explain the three ideas involved in a realistic understanding of death (permenance, universality, and nonfunctionality). Give some specific examples of ways that parents, caregivers, and educators can help preschool children develop a realistic understanding of death. Due Thursday, May 11

Links for 1 point extra credit paragraph summaries. You can do up to 10 of these for 1-point each. They are due by the last day of class (June 1) but may be handed in before then.

Vaccines and Autism


The True Story of John/Joan

What is Asperger's Syndrome?

Interview with Lennart Nilsson

Night terrors and other sleep disturbances

Due Tuesday, May 9
On page 304, answer the "Apply" question--the one about Leslie serving a new snack to her preschool class, how she can encourage the children to try it, and what tactics she should avoid. The information on pages 296-298 in your text will be useful in answering this question.

Chapter 12

concrete operations



class inclusion problem


transitive inference

spatial reasoning

cognitive maps

horizontal decalage

cognitive inhibition

Memory strategies: rehearsal, organization, and elaboration

Cognitive self-regulation

whole language approach and basic skills approach to learning to read

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences









dynamic testing

bilingual education vs language immersion programs

traditional vs constructivist classrooms

self-fulfilling prophecy

attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

learning disabilities

(full) inclusion

resource rooms

divergent thinking