
Thursday, April 06, 2006

For Psych 261--here are some resources that will be helpful as you work on your paper that is due on June 1. The paper will be 5 (5 pages minimum) to 7 pages in length, and will address an issue of relevance to one of the stages of child development. One of your resources for this paper will be a personal interview with someone who works with your target age range in a professional or volunteer capacity. In addition to the interview, you should have at least 4 other references.

The paper should be in APA format (see resources below). Pages should have one-inch margins on all sides, and in addition to the 5 pages of text, you should have a cover sheet and a reference page. At least one of your sources should be a psychological journal.

Your paper should do the following:

1. Provide a general overview the stage of development you will be discussing in your paper. For example, if your topic is kindergarten readiness, set the stage for your paper by describing some of the advances that take place in early childhood. One way to do this might be to devote a paragraph each to physical, cognitive, and social development during that stage. You may use your textbook as the reference for this section, or a different textbook if you prefer, but be sure to actually use a scholarly source for your description of that stage of development.

2. Next, present the main topic of your paper, explaining why it is an important issue in development. Again, any facts or assertions you present should be backed up by a citation. See the links below for information on how to cite your sources throughout the body of your paper.

3. Present information from an interview with a person who works professionally with the issue and age group, or is in some way an "expert" in this area. This should not be more than 1 1/2 pages of your paper, and you should be sure to tie it in to the broader context of your paper. When you tell me what topic you have decided on for your paper, I would be happy to discuss ideas for questions and/or the general direction your interview might take.

4. Your summary and conclusion, including any recommendations you have. This would be the part where you might add your personal thoughts on the subject, as well as what you have learned from the process of writing this paper.


Psychology journals and resources for colleges, teachers and their students.

Writing Center and APA style writing help provided by