
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Erikson's Initiative versus Guilt
Empathy and sympathy
Altruism/prosocial behavior
Functional play
Constructive play
Make-believe play
Nonsocial activity
Parallel play
Associative play
Cooperative play
Sociodramatic play
Social problem solving

Moral development

Psychoanalytic perspective--superego and identification with same-sex parent


Social Learning theory
-warmth and responsiveness
-competence and power
-consistency between assertions and behavior

instrumental and hostile aggression
overt and relational aggression
gender typing
gender identity
gender constancy

David Reimer, the boy who was raised as a girl

Styles of Child Rearing

authoritative child-rearing style
authoritarian child-rearing style
permissive child-rearing style
uninvolved child-rearing style

Sex differences in the brain
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Information and Support